
The OBSERVATORY is a small circular room with a diameter of 3 m and a dome-shaped ceiling. A one-meter gap opens on this dome, and the dome itself rotates. The slit is aimed at the desired celestial body, and the telescope mounted in the middle of the room is also aimed there. Until 2020, it is a mirror telescope system "CASSEGRAIN MENISCAS 150/2250" (Tsaisov) with an objective diameter of 150 mm and a magnification of 60 to 375 times. With it and several other telescopes, objects from the real sky are observed - the Sun, the Moon, the planets, double and multiple stars, star clusters, galaxies, nebulae and others. As interesting as the shows in the star hall and the demonstrations with the artificial starry sky are, they cannot replace the observations of the real sky, where everything is convincing and real.
In 2023, the old telescope was replaced by a new CELESTRON Edge HD 14” with an objective diameter of 356 mm and a magnification of 51 to 840 times.